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Ahavah Community Newsletter

March 6th, 2024 - Winter Season Week 5

What's Inside This Week?

👉This Week's Article: “Why are there sometimes a limited number of items available to the CSA, and better yet, why are some of the items available only for the Farmer’s Market, or for Extra’s (at the CSA drops) while they aren’t available as part of the CSA?”

👉Featured Gardening Tip of the Week: "Copper in the Garden!"

👉Featured Vegetable Recipe: Mustard Greens with Garlic and Lemon

👉Also: Don't miss our "Around the Farm" this week, our announcements, our weekly harvest list and more!


I hope this finds you all doing wonderful and in anticipation for the Spring weather that is bound to come our way one day or another!  It’s clear that the weather is starting to turn towards the Spring and we are starting to get excited…or are we🤔!?  I don’t know how the weather is going to be up in Denver this week, but boy oh boy, down here in the Springs and especially over here by us, it’s going to be a YUCKY end to the week!  It seems that every market day is especially yucky – I don’t know why that it, but hey, we roll with the punches around here!

As it is, however, you have a BEA-UTIFUL share this week!  Loaded with Turnips, radishes, greens and some amazing micro-greens this week, the value is over the top, yet again, and the abundance is nothing short of a mini-miracle, considering the time of year and the amount of effort we go through to provide these gorgeous veggies for you!

I am so proud of our team, of all the work they do and all the effort and dedication that they are putting in each and every week.  Please be sure to say THANK YOU! to all of our team members when you see them, because they deserve SO much credit!  For those who haven’t been on the farm or volunteered, it’s hard to imagine what it takes to get this local food to you consistently week after week, but it certainly takes an entire team of dedicated humans to make this happen, rain, snow…or shine! 

We hope you enjoy your share this week and that the remaining three weeks go by smoothly and without a hitch, because as Spring comes…we will be ready to continue these awesome harvests!

Farmer Yosef and Family!


👩‍🌾Around the Farm This Week👩‍🌾

👈The radishes this week are downright STUNNING! 

👉Hand-weeding, it’s how we do it around here!  No alternatives will ever work as good and I’ll tell ya, no one is as good at doing it as Ryan here!

👈Splash splash…the ducks are taking a bath! 

👉The garlic is finally starting to pop!  Spring MUST be coming soon!

👈Working in the greenhouses in the winter is not as easy as you'd think. All that row-cover sure does get in the way!

👉Asher, the most amazing manager anyone could ask for!  He love’s his farm and he loves these tasty sunshoots he’s drying too!  Nom Nom!

👇DID YOU KNOW!?!?  The Camire Family has built a Synagogue!  That’s right, “Or Bamidbar (means: Light in the Desert) is the newest Orthodox Jewish synagogue on the eastern plains (the ONLY synagogue on the Eastern Plains!).  Services will start in the coming months – so keep your eyes peeled for announcements and for more info as the synagogue becomes operational!  Here is the Mezuzah going up…

We received our Torah Scroll this week too!!!!!👇

If you have never seen how we harvest the lettuce and other baby greens, like this aromatic arugula here, you have to see it! Powered by a simple drill, check out Josh below.👇

Spring and Summer Share REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!

🚨🚨ONLY 3 Weeks left to register for Spring and less than 15 shares still remain!  🚨🚨

...and don't miss out on our REFER A FRIEND program to earn $25.00 for both YOU & a FRIEND!

Yes, that's right and you can sign up for one RIGHT NOW! Go to to register for our Spring & Summer season Community Supported Agriculture Veggie-Shares and get weekly bags of the freshest, most nutrient-dense vegetables available!!

The highest quality, 100% local, produce you can find, harvested and delivered fresh every week! Pure, chemical-free, regeneratively grown produce. Flexible payment options. Many discounts are available - see website! 4 Locations for CSA pickup (Peyton, COS, DEN and Monument. Door to Door delivery options available! Got SNAP!? Get 50% off your CSA share automatically! Every share supports families in need through donations. Flexible CSA options, holds, credits and more! Classes, events, tours and community opportunities.

⭐100% of everything we sell is grown and harvested and delivered by Ahavah Farm and Ahavah Farm ONLY - All produce is grown 100% on our farm in Peyton Colorado, near Colorado Springs without a single chemical, in rich, composted soil. We use biodynamic principles to grow the purest, most nutrient-dense vegetables available and deliver them to you fresh, every week!

The dog ate


Refer a friend to Ahavah Farm's CSA and you BOTH will receive $25 in credit to use ANYTIME you want! Use to buy extra vegetables, or take $25 off your next CSA purchase - your credit will never expire!

New members simply send an e-mail to to let us know who referred you and you BOTH receive your $25 certificate!  It's that easy!😁

Ahavah Community Indoor / Outdoor Farmer's Market

Every Friday from 10am to 1pm!

The weather the last few weeks has been miserable! Fortunately for us, the indoor market was still nice and warm and our members, customers and friends have all been enjoying the market's on these snowy days!

When the weather warms up, we will be sure to head on outside to enjoying the shining sun and to play on the playground! Speaking of playgrounds, did you know that we have a HUGE playground full of swings, slides, climbing things and more!? That's right, and we also have TWO bounce houses! one for the little, littles (inside) and one for the bigger kids (outside!).

There is always something to do at the markets and as the weather starts to warm up and we head outside on a more frequent basis, more vendors and more activities will be available, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page and check our calendar of events as we fill our Friday's with more and more joy!

🥕🥬🌱Vegetables at the Farmer's Market this week

(Week March 7th)

(For CSA location "extras", please see below in the "Extra Vegetables section)



✅Salad Mix







✅Turnip Greens

✅Living Plants (basil, cilantro, mint, succulents and MANY more)

✅Pea Shoots

✅Sunflower Shoots

✅Radish Microgreens

✅Broccoli Microgreens

✅Barley Grass


Robynne's Creations - Where Every Stitch Tells a Story!

Dive into Robyn's world of knitted wonders—adorable stuffed animals, cozy scarves, and hats galore (which our kids absolutely adore!)!

Each piece, crafted with love, tells a tale. Meet Robyn, the creative force behind the brand and a Paralympic gold medalist 🏅! All of her amazing creations are knitted with love and the variety and creations change from week to week as she comes up with new and fanciful ideas!

Despite challenges with her disability she brings joy to the market while supporting her athletic dreams. Every purchase isn't just a product; it's a stitch in Robyn's remarkable journey.

Join us in celebrating resilience and creativity. Together, let's knit a brighter future! 🧶✨


We are so excited about our current line-up of vendors, but we are still seeking more!  

✅FREE MARKET for all vendors!

✅100% of raised funds goes to feeding LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED!

✅PERMANENT tents! No need to bring a tent - just come and set up under ours!

✅Indoors and heated on COLD days!

✅GUARANTEED traffic of 200 people + per market!

✅FRIDAY's from 10am to 1pm  

👉If you are a local vendor and are interested in attending our farmer's market, please reach out directly at and we will send you information and the vendor agreement.

“Why are there sometimes a limited number of items available to the CSA, and better yet, why are some of the items available only for the Farmer’s Market, or for Extra’s (at the CSA drops) while they aren’t available as part of the CSA?
- By Yosef Camire

In this week’s article I want to speak to our awesome and amazing members, whom we love, appreciate and are dedicated to! 

Without you, this farm doesn’t operate and you have allowed us to have a very special opportunity to serve our community in a capacity that we never dreamt possible!  Over the coming weeks I want to address some questions and comments in these articles to help us be better prepared for a fantastic rest of 2024 and to enlighten our members on the WHY’s, the HOW’s and the WHAT-THEN’s and WHAT-IF’s regarding the CSA.  So keep your eyes peeled every week as we present these answers to some of your questions and while you are at it, please send in other questions that you would love for us to cover here!  With that, let’s dive right in!

“Why are there sometimes a limited number of items available to the CSA, and better yet, why are some of the items available only for the Farmer’s Market, or for Extra’s (at the CSA drops) while they aren’t available as part of the CSA?

Great question!  To answer this question I will do my best to first give you a background and then second, I will break down the multiple reasons that this is so. I will do my best, and I hope my answer makes sense. If it doesn’t, please feel free to reach out for clarification!

First and foremost, in answering this question we must understand the dedication we have to our CSA members, exclusively and above all else!  In light of this, we must also recognize that in dedicating ourselves to our CSA members, fairness is our utmost priority for all of our members. Now, with that in mind, let’s dig in.

1.      In order to perform a consistent harvest week, after week throughout a 46 week year we must be dialed-in.  One who has experience working with plants, has gardened or who has ever operated a farm, or worked for one, understands the extreme complexities of what we do.  Not only must we plant at the right time to harvest that specific crop within 7-10 days, but this is in spite of the weather, the positioning of the gardens relative to light, the time of year and many other conditions (like weeds, bugs etc).  To do this is nothing short of a miracle and to be consistent doing it over the years is straight-up almost science fiction stuff! 😊  So, for starters, no matter how much we try, it’s nearly impossible to do perfectly, but what we do come up with from week to week never fails to impress me and the team.  So, in short, having that perfect variety, or that perfect sized harvest just is beyond the scope of reality (especially when growing in Peyton Colorado!).

2.      With the given number of CSA members that we have, in order to provide both a variety, and consistency for our members week in and week out is a very difficult task and it’s is absolutely impossible to perform both without wasting hundreds of pounds of food – never mind labor, seed etc. Let me explain…

a.      Imagine we have 200 members (which we do) and we want to provide everyone with the opportunity to get one-each of every item we grow.  Since we have no idea what people would like to choose we are subject to either the members being forced to take exactly what we grow and having absolutely no choice, while at the same time remaining within the same eating pattern (the exact same vegetables) for weeks on end until new crops come in.  This means that for 200 members to get exactly 10 items (let’s say), then we would have to harvest 2,000 items, and ensure that each of the ten varieties get exactly 200 bunches per week (as explained above, this is impossible to perform consistently week after week due to the variables).  This would mean that the members would have no choice in what they get, and since we have Small, Medium and Large shares, it doesn’t work out to 2,000 items.  With our current mix of members it works out to an average of about 8 items per member, with the smalls getting 4-6, the mediums getting 7-9 and the larges getting 10-12.  This works out to 1,600 items per week.  This therefore, reduces the variety we can grow to only 8 items (1600 items divided by 200 members = 8 varieties)…I don’t know about you, but this would be a pretty boring CSA share…especially considering that the variety wouldn’t change much per week! 

3.      Now, considering what you just read this about this:  sometimes we don’t get a harvest, sometimes we get too much of one item and other times we get just a few items that come available that week. Imagine again that we only harvest 30 bunches of carrots this week (which we did this week) and you see them on the Farmer’s Market tables, but do not see them on the CSA table.  One might think to themselves,“Hey, that’s not fair, I paid for a CSA share and I should have access to those carrots…why am I not getting them and I have to buy them?”  All fair, and those thoughts are things we wrestle with every-single day!  But here is the breakdown.  Why do we provide them to the market table and “extras” table and not the CSA?  Because carrots are the #1 most beloved of our crops (and we have others that are similar in demand) and we have to make a choice:  Either we A. provide them to the CSA members and watch them disappear within 5 minutes of the line forming, or B. we provide them to the Market stand and allow all the members who really, really need them that week the opportunity to buy them.  We usually choose “B.” in light of being the most fair opportunity we can think of. 

Now, I know that was probably a lot to chew on, but the bottom line is that in light of making the most-fair choice that we can for our members, this is the avenue we decide to take.  We obviously aim to provide carrots, or kale, or lettuce or any of the other “favorites” week after week to our members, but even this is not possible.  To promote a wide-range of variety every week to all of our members and to give everyone inclusion and to provide the fairest options as possible is our goal.  We may not be perfect in providing the perfect mix of crops or the perfect blend of fairness at all times to all of our members…but it’s our goal, it’s our desire and it’s our absolute die-hard resolution to continue to work as hard as we can to get better week after week, month after month, season after season and year after year! 

I hope you enjoyed this article and that it was enlightening to you and helped you understand why we do some of the things we do!  Check back next week for yet another!  Have a blessed week and enjoy your CSA share!!!!! 

Ahavah Community Upcoming Schedule

👉March 8th @ 10am:  ADULT EDUCATION! How to Grow Your Own. Part 1 of 4. w/ Lorin Mattemore. Email Beth at

👉 March 15th @ 10am:  It's our first HOMESCHOOL DAY of 2024. Bring the kids for this fun event. We will have an activity, a farm tour, and more. Plus, our FAMILY FRIENDLY! Ahavah Community INDOOR Spring Market

👉March 15th @ 10am:  FAMILY FRIENDLY! Farm Tour with Yosef! and Ahavah Community INDOOR Spring Market

👉March 22nd @ 10am:  FAMILY FRIENDLY! Ahavah Community INDOOR Spring Market

👉March 29th @ 10am:   FAMILY FRIENDLY! Ahavah Community INDOOR Spring Market. It's the last week of our Winter Season!

👉April 17th - ACI Application Deadline for a FREE CSA SHARE for Spring (apply here:

👉April 22nd - April 26th: Week of Passover - EXPECT changes to the CSA pickup schedule.

Go to to learn more, to register and to see the rest of our schedule of events and classes!


Can't make it to the Farm for the Friday Farmer's Market? THAT'S OK! Please be sure to check out the extras table at all of our CSA pickup locations: available for all members and even NON-MEMBERS!  

Simply come to any of the CSA locations on Thursday and Friday and pick up some of our beyond-organic veggies for sale!

(IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that selection is limited and the more requests and participation we receive, the more vegetables and varieties we will provide)

Food bearing plants also qualify for SNAP !!!

For Payment:  Cash or Check at the drops or the balance can be sent via PayPal to or via Venmo to 719-233-7828

Availability for "EXTRA's at the CSA pickup locations this week (Week 5):

(see Farmer's Market Section, above, for market selection this week)

Please take the time to read the article above regarding our availabilty

✅Salad Mix

✅Onion Chives



✅Mustard Greens



✅Living Plants (basil, cilantro, mint, succulents and more)

✅Pea Shoots

✅Sunflower Shoots

✅Radish Microgreens

✅Broccoli Microgreens

✅Barley Grass

Microgreen CSA Shares Are Available! Sign Up Today and SAVE 💲💲💲!

Microgreen CSA Share: 3 Servings of Microgreens EVERY WEEK! Save 17%!!!

Love our microgreens but haven't signed up for a Microgreen CSA?  

All Packaging is Compostable and Green!👉

We pride ourselves on our microgreen quality as being not only absolutely pure - grown without chemicals, fertilizers or inefficient energy (we grow with 100% solar, renewable energy!), but they are absolutely beautiful, long-lasting and delicious!  We really can't rave enough!

WHAT'S IN A SHARE?  In your Microgreen CSA you will receive a combination of 3 microgreens every week with the option to purchase add-ons and extras when available.

Pickup locations and times are the same as Ahavah Farm Veggie Share CSA but you do not have to be a veggie-share member to be a microgreen CSA member - these are two independent programs combined into one.

🚨Updated Member Benefits🚨

🚨Easy & Flexible Payment Plans!🚨

🥕Paypal  "Pay Later" options on the website! These are no-credit check, interest-free online payment plans so you can make 4 smaller payments directly through Paypal. Ahavah Farm benefits as well by paid immediately, thereby providing the farm liquidity, while giving our members flexibility and ease of mind!

🥕We also still have FLEXIBLE and CUSTOMIZABLE offline pay plans in place if you would prefer to make payments via check. Please email us at if you would like more information on offline payment plan and to set up your payment schedule.

🚨Got SNAP? Save 50% Off Automatically!🚨

‼️🛑STOP - Please do not miss this section🛑‼️

⚠️ATTENTION MEMBERS! Please share this information with your friends and family members! ⚠️

People on SNAP NEED this information! Ahavah Farm offers 50% off all of our memberships, vegetables and market items! This is the healthiest, MOST nutrient-dense, MOST regeneratively grown produce for less than non-organic Walmart prices. EVERYONE who is on SNAP should know about this!! - PLEASE HELP GET THE WORD OUT🙏!

🥕If you receive EBT (aka SNAP) you will receive 50% off of your membership automatically!

In addition, all extra veggies sold at the market or the CSA locations and also all nursery plant starts are also 50% off when paying with SNAP!

Follow these steps to purchase your SNAP membership 👉

Signing up for a CSA share using SNAP is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!


Go to and select the size share you want.


When checking out and select "CASH PAYMENT"


Send us an e-mail and let us know you will be paying with SNAP. We will automatically discount your share 50% and set you up on a bi-weekly payment plan to pay with your SNAP card!

Please spread the word and let us know if you have any questions!

Founded in April of 2018, our mission is to connect people who are facing food insecurity due to financial struggles to locally-farmed, regeneratively-grown produce, and to provide education centered around healthy living and environmental consciousness. We do this by offering donated memberships to a local CSA program. Memberships include a weekly bag of produce along with discounted (often free) farm tours, classes, and events.

We want to help participate in the creation of a local food-system-economy, build on a diversity of local and regenerative food education and provide activities and children's events centered around environmentally responsible agriculture and pure, beyond-organic, local food.

🚨Donated share applications for SPRING close MARCH 17th!🚨

Ahavah Community Initiative's applications for a free SPRING CSA membership are open and close on March 17th. Do not miss this opportunity. 

All accepted applications include:  

🥕Free Veggie-Share CSA Membership (18 weeks of fresh, local vegetables)

🥕Offering FREE garden plants for you to grow your own!

🥕Free and discounted classes

🥕All regular membership discounts.

🥕Free delivery available on request.

🥕Fully anonymous. You are treated like any other member.


☝️☝️☝️☝️CLICK HERE TO APPLY☝️☝️☝️☝️

"HI! Did you BRING-A-BUCK Today?!"

Oh the amazing power of community and crowdfunding!

Every week, at all of the CSA locations, we have a bin or jar that looks similar to this.  As being a part of Ahavah Farm is also about being a part of a community, we ask all of our members to bring just one dollar with them every week to help us provide a CSA membership to a family in need next season.

Don't say your dollar isn't important! The only way crowdfunding works is if we all participate.  Your $1 is vitally important and it is directly through this program that we raise the majority of ACI's food donation funds than any other fundraising program, and yet it is the absolute easiest for all of our members to participate!

During the Fall season, your Bring-A-Buck dollars will allow us to donate Fall CSA shares to families facing food insecurity and to offer subsidized shares to struggling families as well.


Copper in the Garden!

By Yosef Camire

In the realm of gardening, we often seek out natural solutions to enhance the health and vitality of our plants. One such ally that has stood the test of time is copper 9and it is something our farm has been experimenting with lately too!).  Copper has been utilized in gardening and farming for centuries, offering a host of advantages that contribute to the well-being of plants and soil alike. In this week's newsletter, I want to give a few examples as to how copper can be used and it’s benefits.  


Fungal Disease Prevention

One of the most significant benefits of copper in the garden is its ability to combat fungal diseases. Most have heard of this and there are a lot of Copper-based fungicides, such as copper sulfate or copper oxychloride, which are widely used to control fungal infections like powdery mildew, downy mildew, and various blights. These formulations act by disrupting the cell membranes of fungal spores, effectively halting their growth and spread. Now, we do not recommend these types of treatments, and we would never use them in our own gardens because these treatments are chemically based and composed from non-organic substances that can be toxic.  However, there are ways that we believe can be beneficial, like the use of copper dust. 

Nutrient Uptake Enhancement

Copper plays a vital role in plant metabolism, particularly in the activation of enzymes involved in nutrient uptake and utilization. By ensuring  that your garden has adequate copper levels in the soil, you can optimize the efficiency of essential processes such as photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, and carbohydrate metabolism. This, in turn, leads to healthier plants with improved growth, vigor, and resistance to environmental stressors.

Soil Amendment

Copper also serves as a valuable soil amendment, aiding in the maintenance of soil structure and fertility. It helps to enhance soil aggregation, promoting better aeration, water infiltration, and root development. Additionally, copper facilitates the decomposition of organic matter by fostering the activity of beneficial microorganisms, thus enriching the soil with essential nutrients and improving overall fertility.

Algae and Moss Control

In damp and shaded areas, algae and moss can often be not only a breeding ground for negative bacteria, but can be smelly and attract pests.  Copper-based solutions offer an effective means of controlling these unwanted growths without being toxic. By applying copper strips or solutions to affected surfaces, you can inhibit the growth of algae and moss, keeping your garden clean and visually appealing.


Slug and Snail Deterrence

Slugs and snails are notorious pests that can wreak havoc on tender seedlings and foliage, causing significant damage to garden crops (like tomatoes!!). Copper has long been recognized as a natural deterrent to these pests, as it produces a mild electric current when they come into contact with it. By creating barriers using copper tape or placing copper rings around vulnerable plants, you can effectively protect your crops from slug and snail damage, without resorting to harmful chemical pesticides.

The more we learn about the use of copper in our garden and the benefits of utilizing copper in our gardens the more our minds are blown!  There are some really great resources out there and some really great books on this subject.  One recommendation that I have was given to me by my dear friend James:  “Viktor Schauberger. A life of learning from nature,” by Jane Cobbald.


Our volunteers are the backbone of our organization and we couldn't do it without you...but we need more help!

We need help with so many things:

  • Construction Projects

  • Landscaping Projects

  • Composting Projects

  • Harvesting, washing and prep.

  • Weeding

  • Bag Packing

  • Teaching Classes

  • General farm cleanup

  • and a skill you want to share? Let us know!

Volunteering is Monday through Friday 9AM to 4PM.

Please let Jessie know you are interested, she will send more information and necessary paperwork, and we will welcome you with open arms!

What's in your bags this week?

Winter Week 5 - March 7th & 8th

This Week's Harvest

As always, nothing is guaranteed. These are the items that are "in season" and are anticipated to be ready this week (which may or may not be available at the CSA).

  • Small = 4-6 items per week ($23.50/wk)

  • Medium = 7-9 items per week ($33.50/wk)

  • Large = 10-12 items per week ($43.50/wk)

  • Spinach - Truly, and without exaggeration, this spinach is the sweetest spinach you have ever tasted in your life! The best way to enjoy this spinach is raw, but if you are so inclined, it is fantastic simply cooked down, sautéed or to use in a soup.

  • Mustard greens- Add these leafy greens to your diet by mixing mustard greens into a chopped salad or cook it like most leafy greens. The greens are high in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E!

  • Onions- Our delicious onion varieties add flavor and texture to soups, salsas, curries, and sauces. They can also act as toppers for entrees like chili and burgers (only available at the market this week).

  • Radishes- Radishes are most often served raw, halved and sprinkled with salt, shaved into salads, layered over butter-smeared baguettes, or shredded into slaws. They also can be marinated with olive oil and lemon and mint for a refreshing salad, and they can be pickled with a classic vinegar-sugar-salt mix. PS. if you have never tried roasted radishes - you are missing out on a delicious treat! It's our favorite way to eat them (with a drizzle of honey, of course!😊)!

  • Turnip Greens  - Did you know that turnips greens have more bio-available calcium than any other plant on the planet!? Very versatile and popular in the south, our turnips greens are fantastic for stir-fry or to just sauté as a side-green to any dish. you can also enjoy them raw, as they have a unique, buttery flavor that is amazing!

  • Carrots- The best carrots around! You will be amazed by how much flavor our carrots pack. Many of our members have commented that they cannot go back to store-bought after tasting our pure, beyond organic carrots!

  • Arugula- A leafy green with a peppery taste. Use it in salads, sandwiches, and as a garnish. It is rich in vitamins and minerals!

  • Barley Wheat Grass - Many of our members absolutely love our barley grass and use it religiously. We hope you take the time to learn and enjoy this most amazingly nutritious green! More nutritious than wheat grass and less bitter, barley grass is used mostly for juicing. However, I, Yosef (and many of our team members) love to use ian energy and nutrition

  • Radish Microgreens - Next to the barley grass and the sunshoots, radish microgreens are some of the most nutritiously-dense items we grow on the farm and not only that, but during our annual survey last year, they ranked as the #1 most requested and love item we grow! They have a fantastic bite to them, last considerably long in the refrigerator and are beautiful in appearance.

  • Pea Shoots - One of the most desired and sought after items we provide are these pea shoots! Quite literally the best you added to any dish or salad. Our favorite way is to add them to stews and soups. A perfect topper too! Here are four fun ways to use Pea Shoots: as

  • Broccoli Microgreens - Last week we told you that Radish Microgreens were the #1 most loved item we grow, well, these microgreens weren't on the list then! I have a sneaking suspicion that these microgreens are the real winners!

  • Sunshoots - Our sunshoots are certainly some of the nicest, most high-quality sunshoots you will ever find (that actually goes for all our microgreens). They are one of the most beloved items we grow as well and a regular staple to our CSA. Here are some ideas to use your sunnies this week:

  • Living Herbs - We have an abundance of beautiful living herbs for you. Choose from cilantro, oregano, parsley and more. Each plant counts as one serving.

Veggie of the week!

Amazing, Delicious and Nutritious 🥬🥬MUSTARD GREENS! 


Mustard greens are one of our absolute favorite greens! We loved to simply saute' them, add them to eggs, add them into a salad or add them to a yummy sandwich! With that, here is a very simple, yet delicious recipe you can make yourselves:

Recipe: Sauteed Redbor Mustard Greens with Garlic and Lemon


- 1 bunch Redbor Mustard Greens, washed and chopped

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 tablespoons olive oil

- 1 tablespoon lemon juice

- Salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

2. Add minced garlic to the skillet and sauté for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.

3. Add chopped Redbor Mustard Greens to the skillet and toss to coat in the garlic-infused oil.

4. Cook the greens for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are wilted and tender.

5. Drizzle lemon juice over the greens and season with salt and pepper to taste.

6. Remove from heat and serve immediately as a flavorful side dish or a nutritious addition to any meal.

Nutritional Benefits:

Redbor Mustard Greens are not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. Packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate and fiber, these vibrant greens offer a host of health benefits. Vitamin K supports bone health and blood clotting, while vitamins A and C boost immunity and promote healthy skin. Incorporating Redbor Mustard Greens into your diet is an easy way to nourish your body and elevate your culinary creativity.

⚠ ⚠ ⚠ BAGS! We need your bags (PLEASE🙏) !!⚠ ⚠ ⚠

Thank you everyone for recycling your LARGE bags with us!  When we receive your bags we immediately quarantine them for 2 weeks before reusing them to ensure they are safe of any yuckies. Thank you for bringing them and any others you may have (we need any large PAPER-ONLY grocery bags you may have) THANK YOU!





7545 Log Rd.

Peyton, CO 80831




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