This selection is for a LARGE vegetable share for the Spring 2025 season consisting of 10-12 items (bunches) for 10 weeks (an "item" is one bunch of carrots, or a 1/2lb of tomatoes etc.). Season starts April 2025.
New to Ahavah Farm? We recommend new members start by clicking on the link below to learn the in-depth details of being a member (this is our most recent season details and some details may change). CLICK HERE for 2024 details.
All of our produce is grown by Ahavah Farm, to beyond-organic standards, without any chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers! It is the purest, most environmentally responsible produce available. Click Here for info.
What to expect each week: Every week you will receive a weekly bounty of freshly-harvested seasonal vegetables. Your shares will include a mix of up to 75 different varieties. Please Click Here to see what we grow.
Customizable Shares!:
One of the most exciting new things about our CSA is that all shares are now customizable! Simple access the members-only area and select what you want and don't want in your share that coming week and we will pack it for you!
*Customization is not 100% guaranteed to be exactly your specified choices, but we will do our best to assure it is or as close as can be.
Holds and Credits: Another special thing about our CSA is that we offer you to place a "HOLD" and to receive a "CREDIT" for a "DOUBLE SHARE" in the future. Going on vacation? No problem! Let us know and we will hold your delivery that week and give you a credit in the future!
Member Benefits: While the benefits of receiving the purest and most nutrient-dense produce, knowing your farmer and supporting local are all amazing benefits in and of themselves, we offer you a lot more! From discounts on our extra produce, our resale items and our classes and events to compost collection, free tours and classes and more. Please see the terms and conditions for all member benefits for both auto-renewal members and non-auto-renewal members.
Payment Options and Discounts:
Please note: Discounts will not "stack".
- CASH/CHECK: SAVE 1.5% Select "Pay Offline" and we will contact you for payment.
- MILITARY: SAVE 3% Use code MIL2023 at checkout.
- PAYMENT PLANS: We have two options for payment plans: Paypal and Cash/Check/Card.
- Cash/Check/Card: Payment plans can be customizable to fit your budgetary needs. To set up a payment plan lease select "Cash Payment" at checkout. After checking out we will reach out to you with your payment options. Simply let us know that you would like a payment plan and we will happily set this up according to your needs.
- Paypal: Paypal offer a zero interest and no-credit check payment plan for 4 easy, 0% interest, payments.
- PAYPAL: At checkout - Pay with "PayPal" or PayPal's "Pay Later" option.
- VENMO: At checkout select "Cash Payment" and send payment to @Ahavahfarm.
- SNAP / EBT: If you are a SNAP/ EBT member you automatically receive 50% off at checkout! When checking out simply select "Cash Payment" and we will reach out to with your payment options. Simply let us know that you would like to pay with SNAP and we will happily set that up for you and save you 50% automatically!
We are excited you are interested in being a member of our community and we are looking forward to getting to know you and building a relationship with you. Thank you so much for your support and welcome to the faRmily!
Spring 2025 - LARGE (10-12 bunches of veggies/wk) (Season Start: April)
When you sign up for your CSA, the option to add Farm to Door delivery is now available!
*Limited delivery area. Please see Delivery Area map.
LINK TO MAPBy purchasing an Ahavah Farm CSA membership, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions. Please read the Terms & Conditions here: